First Impressions

And an idea to help get past them.

Amy Daniels


Emily (Amy Daniels provided photo)

First Impression: first consideration or judgment ( Legal Dictionary, Merriam-Webster,

Somehow, in today’s day and age when how people look shouldn’t matter, it still does. It’s difficult to not form a quick opinion of someone based on your first look at them. The struggle comes from knowing the “should” way of doing life and the reality of being human.

“Where’s the nice, collared shirt I picked out for you to wear?” I asked my son when he came downstairs wearing a ratty, old tee shirt on the first day of first grade years ago.

“I like this shirt better,” he said with a shrug.

“Why not just wear the nice shirt? It’s your first day of school, don’t you want to look nice and smart?”

“I like my superhero shirt,” he said with pleading eyes.

We went back and forth like this for several minutes. I was worried he was concerned about looking “cool” in front of his peers, so I gave him the talk. You know the one: we don’t judge others on the way they look, and you don’t want to be friends with someone who will judge you on the way you look (the “should” way of life).



Amy Daniels

Writer, mom of two, one who had disabilities and complex medical issues due to a brain tumor. Memoir, Reaching For Normal, is available where books are sold.